A Man's Guide to Slim Fit Dress Shirts in 2019
Keyword(s): slim fit dress shirts

Is there a way to show the world what you believe in and who you are in a matter of seconds without opening your mouth or making a single gesture?
Yes. Your clothes do the introducing for you!
In fact, it takes a tenth of a second for a stranger to form an impression of who you are. And while the fashion world is still very much so oriented toward women, men spend more on their clothes!
Here at Jared Lang, we are all about keeping things up to date and fresh. We want to help you look your best and feel your best.
So let us help break down the fashion behind a good impression with a simple staple item: the dress shirt.
While they are typically worn on formal occasions, slim fit dress shirts can be worn with jeans or trousers for a smart and casual look. As such, there is a dress shirt out there for every vibe, time, and occasion.
Things to Consider When Buying Slim Fit Dress Shirts
Before you head out to your local mall or fill up your online shopping cart, let us break down some basic principles behind finding your perfect fit. Keeping the following two tips in mind can make all the difference in finding what suits you best!
Men's slim fit dress shirts are available at nearly every retail store out there. The choices can be overwhelming. However, most brands have answered the call for this demand by mass producing shirts and outerwear.
This allows them to use less material for the clothes they create and results in shirts that have poor quality.
Assessing the quality of your shirts will allow you to buy clothes that will survive more than two seasons. Durability and comfort then go hand-in-hand with ethical choices—a shirt that lasts a long time is good for the environment! It's less likely to be thrown away. Even if you do choose to give up a high-quality dress shirt, if it is made from the right materials, it can be donated or recycled!
We know that this fact is important to the average buyer because more people today are willing to shop sustainably.
There is the added point that buying good quality clothing will save you money in the long run. Clothes that are of poor quality will need to be replaced every six months or so. Putting a little more care and thought into what you buy will help you save and will help your wardrobe last a long time.
You've found the perfect slim fit. It's the right color and fits in all the right places. But an hour into wearing it, your neck starts to chafe. It's not the fit that is at fault here—its the shirt material.
Dress shirts (as discussed earlier) are a staple for formal events. If you put one on, chances are that you will be staying in it for at least half a day. So for your own sake, buy something that actually feels good to wear!
And while styles can change, as will be mentioned below, what you wear is a statement of who you are. So if you are an extrovert, go ahead and wear that floral statement slim fit dress shirt!
But if you are an introvert and wearing such an outfit feels outlandish, stick with your gut. If it makes you feel uncomfortable or untrue to yourself, there is no need to purchase it!
As GQ (the Holy Grail of men's fashion) has stated in the past when discussing slim fit dress shirts "when you button it up in the morning, you should feel confident, in control, even invincible."
If your clothes don't make you feel that, time to change it up!
No, you can't buy a shirt in small, medium, or large. It simply won't fit! Measurements for a slim fit should be taken in five areas: your collar, shirt shoulder, shirt torso, shirt sleeve, and shirt cuff. Let us break that down for you.
Collar Measurement
The collar should sit snug on the skin with no gaps. One finger should be able to fit comfortably between your neck and collar.
And while there are many collar types to choose from, a style that isn't too conservative or too fashion-forward is the semi-spread. It works with every tie and every suit out there, so it is by far your safest choice!
Shirt Shoulder Measurement
No extra material and no wrinkles! That would indicate that the shoulders are too tight or too loose. Instead, the shoulder points should fit perfectly at the edge of your shoulders.
Your arms should be able to move comfortably and freely.
Shirt Torso Measurement
If the buttons are straining to close (which causes wrinkles), the shirt is simply too tight. If there is extra fabric (which is called "billowing fabric"), the shirt is too loose.
A fit that is just right should be easy to button and easily tucked in with no extra fabric.
Shirt Sleeve Measurement
Your movements should not be limited nor should your sleeves have slack. Instead, the upper arm of the sleeve should be slightly wider than the cuff while providing plenty of freedom of movement.
Shirt Cuff Movement
Your wrists shouldn't feel strangled, nor should your cuffs slide loosely over a watch. Instead, size your cuffs while keeping your watch in mind.
There should be space between the shirt fabric and your wrists with no folds or wrinkles. And don't forget, you have the option to accessorize with cufflinks!
Customizing the Shirt
Dress shirts are available in every size but also in every color, pattern, and fabric for all occasions. We've picked up on how things like color, pattern, and fabric can impact what you buy. This way, the next time you head into the store, you have a few pointers to keep in mind.
A white slim fit dress shirt can never go wrong. It is a staple color of choice everywhere and can be worn to work, a wedding, a funeral, or a formal dinner and help you fit in well.
However, not just any white will do. The shirt should have a high thread count and should be crisp to the touch. An extra burst of color can be provided by an accessory. Our suggestion? A floral tie or some sweet cufflinks to add some personality to the look.
When choosing other solid colors, however, hair color, eye color, and skin color play an important role. While blue and other similar hues are flattering for almost any complexion, choosing to go darker or lighter depends on personal preference and on what makes you look your best.
So while fashion magazines will often promote "seasonal colors" that change every few months, it is best to stick to colors that make you feel like you. These colors should compliment your unique style while fitting in with your complexion.
If we were to start describing all the patterns available in the fashion world, this article would never end. Instead, we thought we would bring up four common pattern styles we are seeing in streetwear and on the runway.
Like its white counterpart in the color section, solid is a safe and easy choice to stick with. After all, it is the simplest pattern in that there is no pattern!
However, solid does not have to mean boring. By sticking with a solid slim fit dress shirt, you can choose to highlight a certain accessory or wear a patterned jacket.
While less formal than wearing a solid color, stripes add liveliness to an outfit. Classic choices are white stripes with just about any color.
Checks and check-like patterns (tartan or plaid anyone?) have a great history and have been around for thousands of years. In fact, the oldest example of the fabric goes back to 3,000 years ago.
Because it is such a busy pattern, people can shy away from it. However, they have such a classic feel and help add instant punch and personality to your wardrobe.
Don't think plaid, tartan, or gingham have to come in boring colors of black, white, and grey! While we reach for richer and muted colors during our cold months, feel free to toss in some greens, red, and yellows in spring and summer.
Fabric Choices
Comfort goes along with the fabric a shirt is made of. So here are a few things to remember before grabbing that shirt off the hanger.
Types of Fabric
Twills give you a bit of shine, poplins create fantastic smart shirts, and oxfords are always the way to go for a casual look.
The point is, there is a fabric for every mood and moment. While poplins are perhaps the crisper and most popular choice in material, feel the fabric and let your personal taste determine what you pick up.
Thread count is also a good thing to keep in mind. A fabric with a lower thread count will feel rough and strong. In the long run, fabric like that will wrinkle less and require little to no ironing. A higher thread count will result in a shirt that is soft and silky.
A good way to make sure you are buying a material that suits you is to check the label. The label should state clearly what the shirt's fabric content is. And when in doubt, contact customer service.
Check That Color
Compare the color of the shirt in both natural light and inside light. The difference will surprise you!
And always try out a shirt before purchasing and see what the color looks like against your skin tone. We can't stress the importance of this step.
Always Test the Stretch
Fabrics with less stretch will last longer and drape better. So giving your shirt a stretch test will help set apart the cheap fit from the high-quality one. We suggest stretching the fabric in an inconspicuous spot. If the shirt doesn't bounce back to its original shape, chances are it won't when you wear it.
A tip to also double check the weave strength? Stretch the shirt material to the light. The more tightly spun the yarn is, the better!
See yourself in the shirt. Will it be worn every day? If it is a shirt that is a step outside your comfort zone, will you REALLY wear it? If you think the shirt is going to spend months in your closet before being donated or thrown away, don't waste your money on it.
Also, visualize when and where the shirt will be worn. For an office setting? Then muted tones and a crisp fabric is the way to go. For dinner or party? Have fun with the colors and change it up with a silky-er texture!
By visualizing yourself in the shirt at actual events, you ensure that you are buying something you WILL wear. You also ensure that you purchase something appropriate for the occasion.
Found the Right Dress Shirt for You?
The dress shirt deserves way more recognition. And slim fit dress shirts can make you feel absolutely invincible!
Now that you have all the right tips and tricks in order to make a fashionable (and ethical!) purchase, its time to shop for those slim fit dress shirts. Click here to look through our curated and vast collection of shirts. We also have more fashion-related articles on the blog perusal!
Happy shopping!